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News » What is Ambient Temperature 2018-03-03

Glen Fuels Ambient Room Temperature

What is "ambient room temperature"?

Glen Fuels sets it at 19-21 degrees Celsius for the purpose of keeping people warm. This is the ideal room temperature for the all homes and it allows you to increase the heat should you have someone elderly, newborn, or ill in the house. In very cold weather, like we are having now, it may take several hours for the temperature to increase to your desired level.

When you set your thermostat to ambient temperature and leave the heating on "constant", you have wriggle room to increase/decrease the temperature without too much hassle.

In weather like this, where the air temperature is extremely cold, when the heating is turned off, the system cools down fast and it can take a few hours for the heat to increase by just one degree.

It is easier and quicker to crank up an already warm system than to fire up a cold system.

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